Sunday, August 24, 2014

Little bit about Graphs

simple - no multiarcs and loop
non-simpl(pseudog) - multiarcs and loop

complete - each node conect beetwen each other directly
conected - directly or nondirectli all nodes are conected
tree - conected graph without circle
spanning tree - tree with (nodes-1 == arcs), min arcs for connect all nodes
isomorphick - graph when (arcs == nodes)
sub - part of graph

path - take node only once
walk - can revisited node
circle - start and end in the same node

order/valencie - how mach arcs conect with node? n-1
arcs - n(n-1)/2

Kruskala - get smolest arcs, and again again again
Prim - get nodes and connect exitsted nodes with minimal way with other
matrix - select gorizontal node and found minimal in vertikal,
after found select new node in gorizontal and search again
Adjancency - matrix with amount references beetween nodes
Distance - the same of pirm matrix

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